Holiday Movie Marathon – Horror Movies to Watch This Halloween

For those who don't have kids, Halloween is a fairly dull affair. Mostly, adults find themselves sitting around re-watching classic horror movies. However, at the billionth time watching Jason and Kruger terrorize young people, a change is needed. However, the thing about horror movies is that a lot of them suck. It is a sizable task to find decent ones that haven't already been watched too many times. Below are some fine films that horror fans may have missed when trying to sort through the bad parade that is new horror movies.

In the Mouth of Madness

An insurance investigator is tasked with finding a missing author. however, in his investigation he finds that the horror depicted through the authors best-selling horror movies is coming true.

This is an older movie, from 1994, but it is one of John Carpenter's most underrated movies, right after Ghosts of Mars (also a fine film for Halloween). The movie is unique in that it aims to be both a potent horror movie but a parody of the genre. For examples, the missing author is modeled after Stephen King, which is apparent through the author's obsession with small new England towns, much like King's obsession with Maine. Parody aside, John Carpenter really succeeded in his venture. Horror fans will be able to spot the parodies if they know the genre well, but it is also filled with ingenious scares.


Suzy Bannion is a newcomer to a fancy and exclusive ballet school in Freiburg, travelling all the way from New York for three years of training. However, after her first night a student who was leaving was violently murdered with the police investigating the crime. As time goes on at the school, Suzy begins to unwind the evil forces at work in the school and the staff.

Suspiria is a 1977 classic by horror master Dario Argento. So for fans who just can't swallow modern horror, it is the perfect watch for Halloween. There have been mentions of a remake, but thus far it has never came to pass. So for awhile, this classic horror movie is safe. Regardless, in true Argento style, Suspiria is a horrific bloodbath. This movie pleases both gore hounds and those who are just fans of the classic suspenseful scare. It's nightmarish scenes are accompanied by one of the most chilling musical scores since the exorcist as well. The 70's were good to the horror movie genre, and Suspiria really demonstrates that.

The Descent

After the sudden death of her wife and child, Sarah is coaxed to go on a cave expedition with her adventurous friends. However, things go horribly awry when a cave-in traps them in an uncharted portion of cave. Supplies begin to dwindle and injuries occur, however they group is also hunted by a group of underground dwelling bloodthirsty monsters.

This is a newer film, made in 2005, but it gave hope to modern horror. Honestly, it is one of the only films that has really impressed me in the new millennium. It's not very often does a horror movie present an actually believable horrifying scenario. Being trapped in a confined space, where no one knows you are, with supplies and most importantly light running short, AND being tracked by crazed monsters? Not to mention clever cinematography showing every scene in the most frightening way imaginable.  The movie has a sequel but it is not nearly as good. Not only is this a great movie to watch on Halloween, but it is also a great watch for girl's night, since it stars a bunch of girls.

The Collector

Arkin is an ex-con who has gone the straight way of life. he moves to Detroit and gets a job fixing windows and doors for the Chase family. However, his ex-wife is in deep with loan sharks and comes to him for money. Arkin plans to get back in the con game and heist the safe of his employers, the Chase family in their country house. However, when he arrives at the house, another criminal has beat him to it. The family is being held hostage by a sadistic murderer and planted traps all around the house. Now Arkin must find a way out of the house with his life still intact.

The biggest charm about this 2009 thriller is that it is something horror fans have never seen before, really. Two criminals plotting to commit crimes at the same house? When has anyone ever heard of that. Most people are turned off by the subpar reviews, but the truth is it is inventive to the genre, but it still has some of the sillier horror movie tropes. Unlike modern horror though, it doesn't spend time humanizing the killer, instead it is all about the sheer unimaginable horror of a killer who is a very human lump of flesh, but on the inside is just a cold killing beast.

The Children

Elaine and Jonah pack up their family to spend New Years with Elaine's sister Chloe and their family in the isolated country. However, one by one, Chloe's the children get sick and become increasingly malevolent.

Horror movies that star children are usually terrible. It is so hard to get child actors that are actually good for horror movies. The genre just isn't right for them. This is where The Children wondrously succeeds. The actors who play the afflicted children are wonderfully creepy. From the moment you see them, you are given a feeling of impending doom in a way horror fans have not experienced since Let The Right One In.

Eden Lake

Jenny and her boyfriend Steve are off for a romantic getaway in a woodland campsite by a lake. At first, things are idyllic, however a gang of young people start provoking them, stealing their stuff and vandalizing their car. They revel in provoking the adults, however when Steve confronts them they enact a shocking and brutal attack. Now Jenny must flee for help, however she is now a subject to a brutal game of cat and mouse with the youths.

Eden Lake is a lot like The Last House On The Left, except instead of enacting revenge, Jenny is just trying to survive her sadistic pursuers. The first bit of the movie is so happy, then it turns absolutely devastating and horrific. The difference is thrilling. Essentially it feels like two different movies put together. While the plot isn't exactly new, the way it is displayed is quite enthralling.